Susan Sontra

Susan Sontra

Inspirational Speaker/ Writer

Susan is an Inspirational Speaker and Writer on creativity. She brings her passion for sparking creativity in others in her coaching as well. 

Susan has been friends with creativity since she was young as she was always involved in some type of creative project-from putting together neighborhood skits and plays, writing stories, creating dances, and even theater. Susan also expanded and played with her creative side by exploring painting, photography, crafting and art journaling.  While exploring the plethora of artistic expressions, she began to see alternative perspectives of being in the world. Now, she understands how creativity exists in everything we do, and every person has the ability to tap into their own creativity to have the life and business they want. 

 “Our creative spirit is a living, breathing part of ourselves. As a coach, my goal is to help you find the key to caring and nurturing your creativity.  Our creative selves can be a best friend, a resourceful tool when we need it, and a wonderful form of expression.”

“The Creating Room is a room for you to be inspired, grow in your creativity, and improve your life. Creativity is more than the arts. It’s in everything: math, science, intuitive expression, cooking, crafting… Creativity is possibility itself. The magic is in discovering what inspires YOUR creativity.”

You can connect with Susan at her website:The Creating Room


Call: 916-668-0238