Dear Friend of the Sacramento Zoo,

As we prepare for the crucial Elk Grove City Council vote on May 8 that would officially move the New Zoo project forward to construction, we need you to make your voice and passion for the New Zoo heard.

With a majority vote from Council, the New Zoo project will be “official” and plans for construction of this world-class zoo will be off and running – BUT we need to pack the council chambers and show strong and enthusiastic support from our community at the meeting.

Wednesday, May 8, 6 to 9 pm
Elk Grove City Council Meeting
8400 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove

At this meeting, a critical vote for the new zoo project will take place. Your presence and enthusiasm for the new zoo will have a significant impact!

Anyone can write to the council, but if you live in Elk Grove, let them know!

Email or mail letters (no later than May 6) to the attention of each Councilmember and Mayor. Please copy: on each email so that your letter will be recorded in public record.


Elk Grove Mayor: Bobbie Singh-Allen @
DISTRICT 1 Councilmember: Darren Suen
DISTRICT 2 Vice Mayor: Rod Brewer @
DISTRICT 3 Councilmember: Kevin Spease @
DISTRICT 4 Councilmember: Sergio Robles @


Mail to:
8401 Laguna Palms Way
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Voicemails can also be left in support  of the zoon with the City Clerk at (916) 478-2286.
If possible, please send the Zoo a copy of your email or letter as well.

Things to discuss in your letter:

What is your history/relationship with the Sacramento Zoo?

  • What do you envision at a new, larger zoo?
  • Why is a new zoo important to you?
  • What would this new zoo mean to:
  • You
  • The region’s children (for generations to come)
  • The animals that call the zoo home
  • Conservation of species (both at the zoo and in the wild)
  • The greater Sacramento region
  • Why should members of the Elk Grove City Council support the development of a new, larger, state-of-the-art Zoo in Elk Grove?

How do I write a letter to the Mayor and City Council?

Start with “Dear Mayor Singh-Allen and Dear Councilmembers Suen, Brewer, Spease and Robles,” Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Include your address and your district (if applicable). In your own words, tell them how you feel about the zoo, its role and its future. Describe the issue(s) of your concern and the reasons the zoo needs to relocate/expand. Ask the Mayor and Councilmembers to support the zoo’s relocation and expansion.

Thank them.

Sign the letter.

Thank you for supporting the relocation of the Sacramento Zoo to the city of Elk Grove!